What is super 8mm & 35mm film?

Super 8mm & 35mm are vintage film cameras first created in the 1800s. What sets film apart from digital is the limited amount of shots you can take with film. On a digital camera you are shooting onto a SD card which means you basically can take as many photos/videos as you want. On 35mm film cameras you are burning the photo onto the film roll and generally only have 24-36 exposures (photos) per film roll, on super 8mm film cameras you generally only have 2-3 minutes of shooting time.
35mm Film: Imagine a long, thin strip of flexible material, king of like a ribbon, now imagine this wound tightly into a small canister which you then load into your 35mm film camera.  When you press the shutter button, the camera pulls a tiny section of this film out, exposes it to the scene your photographing and then winds it back into the canister, ready for the next photo. 
Once you have taken all your photos on the film roll, you take the roll to get developed. During this process the film strip reacts to chemicals, revealing the images you captured. After development the film is cut into individual frames and you have your photographs ready to print and scan into digital files. 
In essence, 35mm film is the traditional medium used in analog photography to capture images before the digital era. It's a classic, tactile way of capturing memories and creating art, cherished by many photographers for its unique look and feel.

Super 8mm: Super 8mm is a type of motion picture film, Imagine it as a smaller, more compact version of traditional film reels you might have seen in old movies.
The film itself comes in a small cartridge (but still much bigger than 35mm film cartridge) which you load into your super 8 film camera. As you press the record button, the film inside the cartridge moves past the lens, exposing tiny frames to the scene in front of you - exactly like a digital camera it is taking multiple photos per second.
Each frame captures a moment in time, like individual snapshots in a series. When you've finished filming, you rewind the film back into the cartridge, ready for development. Once developed, the film reveals your footage, which can be projected onto a screen or transferred to digital formats for viewing on modern devices (like you will see in the video below!)
Super 8mm film has a nostalgic charm and a distinct visual aesthetic. It's a beloved medium for capturing memories, telling stories, and preserving moments in time.


  • Don’t worry, you don’t need a fancy dark lab to recieve your photos & videos. Luckily we recieve them digitally so we will provide them to you the same way we provide our digital photos & videos, On an online gallery.

  • Woo, you won’t regret it! Click here to contact me & we can discuss your film add on!

  • This will depend on what package add on you choose.

    Couples: Our packages range from 30 - 50 film photos

    Elopements: Our packages range from 60 - 140 film photos.

    Weddings: Our packages range from 150 - 250 film photos.

  • This will depend on what package add on you choose, we will also include parts of the super 8mm footage in your main digital film!

    Couples: Our packages range from 30sec - 1min

    Elopements: Our packages range from 1min - 3min.

    Weddings: Our packages range from 3min - 5min.

  • Our add on prices include both super 8mm footage & 35mm photos, make sure to reach out & I can send you through our full pricing guide & discuss more about our add on!

    Couples: Add on prices start at $750.00 AUD/NZD

    Elopement: Add on prices start at $1,450.00 AUD/NZD

    Weddings: Add on prices start at $2,250.00 AUD/NZD


